The worth of a workplace and where to find it

Dedication can never be seen from someone who never sees their purpose at something.

You are placed to a certain designation because you heartily agreed with the terms and conditions. You agreed because you put trust from its striking perks and opportunities and eventually programming yourself to put commitment to it.

Not until you are so into the situation and finding out the real picture of an established structure.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? What can you contribute to the company? What's in it for us to hire you? And the list of questions goes on to you like a blast then you see your thoughts wafting around your head trying to come up with a perfect construction of words to sell yourself perfectly. You are trying to make a good impression as of the moment and right there and then you are also expecting something great or something better in return perhaps. We are always searching for a win-win situation wherever we may be.

I might confidently exclude myself as a fresher when it comes to recruitment. I have been exposed to this industry ever since I finished my bachelor's degree in Psychology. No bragging of experiences or knowledge here but I strongly believe that anything is never an issue until something never stops bugging you and become wary about it. This is not to point out my views alone. This is to review what is right and what is really supposed to expect.

Are we really still allowed to expect when we have signed and agreed with the power of legal documents?
Definitely yes, but how?

You on-board yourself full of hopes, high-end career manifestos, and endless expectations. You know this is not your first time to get yourself hired or get a job role you are always fond of doing but how can you keep up? How can you become consistent and stick to your purpose if you are guided by total opposite policies?
Here's to a discursive structure and a very different culture.

I still have with me the reasons why I agreed and accepted this in the first place. I can only count them with a very low number far from the reasons why I should've not accepted it. Totally, there are more reasons not to stay longer. I'm trying to understand all the maybes, what ifs, and all the pros and cons. Did I miss any review about them? Is it really me? No. It's all about the culture and worth of the organization. Their worth is affecting each and everyone's worth as a follower. They may have already imposed a not-so-fancy reputation but what's in it to disorient the perspectives of a new bunch that is expected to contribute new ideas and helpful working styles?

We all have faded ever since we started and it seemed that our worth have become dull for a certain moment, the kind that no one from them may ever could decipher. How could they? Have they really perceived us from the depths of our worth?

Anyway, to light things up for a bit, you may have noticed I derived the title of this blog to Rowling's another trending and blockbuster piece. Haven't watched it yet? Okay, here are some of my reviews of the film...
Kidding aside, instead of the film, of course, you might want to focus and learn something too from these cranky experiences me and my new found team had to deal with. I am actually thinking of listing down each and every incident but that exactly may seem I am only composing an incident report or an open letter to share to concern readers. You guys might want to check out articles about things to consider before accepting a job offer or something like, things to remember when you're in the process of decision-making of your retention and career plans. I will suggest you search articles from Linked-in. You can find a lot of corporate-related articles there and Forbes Media is my favorite.

Written By: Hannah Dani


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