
Showing posts from August, 2017


    You have no idea what it feels like; Having caught in the middle of nowhere Trying to look and clasp for fresh air You don’t know how it feels like; Having a highly-sensitive soul Struggling every day and cope You will never know how it was; Being broken and lost in a place Diverting pain to believe that was just a phase Written By: Hannah Dani

The search of calm in chaos

Then she started to sense that she never existed in a realm where she chose to mend her broken soul.  A place she thought will be a temporary haven in the midst of her ambiguity.  A haven that surprisingly turned into a room of chaos and anonymity.  She did not fathom it all the while when she was at her most.  Then she regrets plummeting to that place and fought her existence back to her calm and unbroken soul.  Written By: Hannah Dani