Timing and chances in between love and losses

I fearlessly tried moving forward with every piece of my brokenness to never get stuck in ambiguity again. I wasn’t looking for anyone to help me… but then you came. Right when I was in rage about love just a week before I met this guy, a twist of fate perhaps paved its way to lead us to something that took us for quite a long time to define. I used to refuse any invitations that might lead to any kind of romantic attachments after what I have gone through. I used to want someone so bad and forgot to save rooms for my own benefit. I used to believe to fantasies I only created in my own world. Until then, we can really never find conclusion till we go outside of our comfort zones and take risks. A little rewind. About a year ago, I had a serious relationship but things didn’t turn out the way we thought it supposed to be and too much chaos led me and my ex to end the relationship. I had a quest for what my heart truly longed for that I even chased a man I thought was enoug...