Signs you’re dating someone still not over with his ex

Watch out for these signs before you know you’re just a rebound Let’s picture a usual scenario. You’re in a sudden situation where you met this charming guy from a local bar and started a good conversation with him. You had that spark from the way he looked at you and how his every word moved you. You’re getting out of control but the other side of your thoughts believe this could only be a start of somewhat a new kind of dating stage. Thinking if it’s a love at first sight? Well at this point, you must first take a braver step out of those sudden gush of emotions. How well do you already know this guy? Is he from the same town? Does anyone from your circle of friends know him? Take advantage of that getting-to-know stage and dig as much information from him. Take time, slow it down, and take these signals to know if he’s serious or he’s just deceiving you for his own benefit. • He always talks about his ex (regardless of how he tells a story about her) When he does th...