Here’s how I deal with my demons and here’s how I can help you fight yours too

You may have thought that this world would be easy and fulfilling once the past have already defined you. It is when you arrived at a point in your life still questioning yourself every night if you have taken the right path or chosen the right decisions. Anxiety dictates a lot of could-have-been and what ifs every night then another day comes at you waving hello to new beginnings. Beginnings that give you another chance to every shot you missed and reasons to prove you are right. Constant fear of what could possibly go wrong may sound overrated but when will it end? What makes a reason good enough to convince someone? What makes a thought become valid to others? Stopping ourselves to worry about things that are way beyond our control may be a struggling process, but it does progress gradually. Over the years of overcoming myself, I figured out some helpful mechanisms and lessons which I’m whole-kindheartedly sharing with you who deals with such obscurities ...