You deserve a breakthrough after breaking apart. You have 3 reasons why.

When was the last time you did something great for the first time? W hen was the last time you failed from believing something great will happen for the first time? Did something cross your mind that made you re-evaluate the path you are taking? We always have those same questions we ask ourselves everyday. We are in different phases and direction but I believe we are all heading to one destination. If you are still living at this point in your life thinking you are going nowhere, capture these 3 things life always tells us but we fail to listen to. 1) Believe what you can imagine. Never let anything stop you from pursuing what you have to do. Either it's what you need to or what you really want, the sense of fulfillment comes from deep within our heart. We never ran out of choices to pick, decisions to make, and expectations we hope to happen everyday. We can listen to people's advise and learn from their experiences but we are always in ...